Capillary and Space Thermostats, IP65
These thermostats are available with fixed or adjustable differential. The various control ranges cover a broad range of temperature applications with a minimum number of models. SPDT contacts are standard on all models.
- Liquid filled sensing element
- Dust tight Penn switch
- IP65 protection class
- Front adjustment
These thermostats are designed for applications where a splash-proof and/or dust-tight enclosure is required.
Four types are available:
- Types A19ARC are general purpose capillary thermostats
- Types A19BRC and A19BQC are space thermostats with coiled element to be used as farm control, outdoor thermostats or in cold storage rooms
- Types A19AQF is specially designed for milkcool-tank applications
- Type A19AQC-9101 is specially designed for ice-bank application
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A19 - Capillary and Space Thermostats, IP65